

Welcome! Thank you for joining UNOPA in recognizing outstanding members across the UNL campus. Nominations will be accepted between December 1st  and February 19th with an award presentation held in late spring. The available awards are detailed below, nomination forms can be accessed at the link below each staff award.

NOTE:  There has been a change on the February 19, 2024 due date. We are now extending the due date to February 26, 2024.

If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Greenlee, UNOPA 2024-2025 President.

Floyd S. Oldt Rose Frolik Award

This annual award was established in 1988 to recognize a member who demonstrates the attributes of UNOPA's founder and first president, Rose Frolik. Rose was an enthusiastic, energetic person who challenged life and felt that how you do your work may be a lot more important than what you do. UNOPA members who have been active for the past five years (attending professional development and teambuilding offerings, participating in the parking lot fundraiser, and Champions Rose Frolik's Initiatives - leadership characteristics and professionalism, are eligible for nomination by anyone, including self. Recipients of this annual, once-in-a lifetime award are presented with a personalized plaque commemorating their recognition, a year's membership to UNOPA, and a $1,500 cash award.

2024-25 Rose Frolik Award Recipients

2024-25 Rose Frolik Award Recipient

Tonda Humphress
Executive Assistant to the Dean
College of Arts & Sciences

Coming Soon

25-26 Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Staff Award Recipient

Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Staff Award

Created to recognize an outstanding  office/service employee, employed at least one year at the university, a current/active member in good standing (at least one year) with UNOPA, who demonstrates distinguished service, and contributions to the university community, this annual award is made possible by an endowment left to the University Foundation by Floyd S. Oldt in 1991. Any university employee may nominate another eligible employee. Recipients receive a personalized plaque, a year's membership to UNOPA, and a cash award of $1,000.

Coming Soon

25-26 Floyd S. Oldt Igniting Excellence Award Recipient

Coming Soon!

Floyd S. Oldt Igniting Excellence Award

UNOPA established this award in 2023 to honor members (must be active for full five years) who demonstrate and support UNOPA's mission/objectives, support others while striving for excellence, and spark meaningful conversations and actions. The executive board will award this annually. Please submit nominations to Sarah Giles at Recipients of this award are eligible once every five years and are presented with a $500 cash award.

Floyd S. Oldt Igniting Excellence Award Rubric information

Kaelie Kellner

2024-25 Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Managerial Professional Award
Kaelie Kellner
Administrative Associate
Child, Youth & Family Services

Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Managerial Professional Award

Created in 2023, to recognize any UNOPA managerial/professional member, employed at least one year at the university, and a current/active member in good standing (at least one year), who demonstrates distinguished service, and contributions to the University community. This annual award is made possible by an endowment left to the University Foundation by Floyd S. Oldt in 1991. Any university employee may nominate another eligible employee.  This award includes a plaque, a year's Associate Membership to UNOPA, and $1,000.

Margaret Jacobs

2024-25 Boss of the Year Award Recipient
Margaret Jacobs
Director, Center for Great Plains Studies
Department of History

Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year Award

In 1982, UNOPA established an annual award for excellence in personnel management. It recognizes University of Nebraska employees who demonstrate outstanding skills in employee supervision and interpersonal relations.

Any full-time employee of UNL, District Research and Extension Center, UNO, or UNMC whose primary work location is on the Lincoln campus, who has management/ supervisory responsibilities, and has an active UNOPA member in their department, is eligible for nomination. Presented annually, this award includes a plaque, a year's Associate Membership to UNOPA, and $500.