UNOPA Rose Frolik Award Nomination Form

University of Nebraska Office Professionals Association (UNOPA) online submission form for the Annual Floyd S. Oldt Rose Frolik Award.

Nominations will be accepted between December 1, 2023 - February 19, 2024 with an award presentation held in late spring.

NOTE:  There has been a change on the February 19, 2024 due date. We are now extending the due date to February 26, 2024.

If you have questions, please contact Sarah Giles, UNOPA 2023-2024 Awards Committee Chairman.

ELIGIBILITY: Any UNOPA member who demonstrates the attributes of UNOPA's founder and first president, Rose Frolik, who has been an active member for the past five years (attending professional development and teambuilding offerings, participating in the parking lot fundraiser) is eligible.  Nominees must meet all eligibility criteria to be considered. A nomination may be made by any person, including oneself.

Floyd S. Oldt Rose Frolik Award Eligible Nominees
Mardi Bonner Jaime Long Kristy Rejda
Jeanne Bonnett Lisa McConnell Cathy Robertson
Tonda Humphress Marla Nissen
Michelle Jocobs Marlene Pyatt

THE NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Complete the following form and attach the nomination letter, reference letters and any supporting documentation. Please give examples of the actions, accomplishments, and attitudes of this nominee which, in your estimation, qualifies the nominee or this award. Also required are two (2) letters of recommendation in support of this nomination.

Nominee Information:

Provide the names, contact information, and a brief statement from up to two references (note that references may be peers, supervisors, students, etc.).

First Reference:
Second Reference:
Nomination and reference letters:
Please upload a minimum of one nomination letter and one brief statement about the nominee from each reference listed above.
Nomination Letter Required
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Reference Letter 1
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Reference Letter 2
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.