University of Nebraska Office Professionals Association

The purpose of UNOPA is to provide professional growth and promote high professional standards for educational office professionals within the University of Nebraska as partners upholding the quality of service to the University educational system and the community.

As a member of UNOPA you may be photographed for organizational publicity purposes. Please indicate your consent for personal image use below and include your signature. Required
I am a member of:
Check all that apply
I have obtained my (please check):
Check one of the following: Required
Payment Options Required
Please mail or drop off check to Jodie Barnes at 1625 Arbor Drive, Filley Hall 102. Please make checks out to UNOPA.

Are you interested in joining the Secret Colleagues Program?

The secret colleagues program is a voluntary activity for members to participate in as a fun way to get to know other UNOPA members. Participants secretly send 2 small gifts/ momentos (no more than $5) throughout each semester. Examples may include notes, snacks, small gifts or knick-knacks, etc. At the end of the semester a secret colleague reveal party is held.

Join the Secret Colleagues Program? Required
If you have a special skill, expertise, or experience, please list here. This will be used as a new mentoring tool for UNOPA members. Examples: Excel, google docs, web design, mail merge, travel, benefits, PDFs, conference planning, etc.
Please send me information about:
Please check any committee(s) you are interested in: