UNOPA Representatives on campus-wide committees

There are many opportunities to represent UNOPA. We have representatives on these UNL committees. If you have questions, please contact Jenifer Greenlee, UNOPA President.

Thanks for your interest!

UNOPA & Campus Wide Committees
Committee Representative Description

Chancellor's University Safety Committe (CUSC)

(2-year term)

Marla Nissen

Advises the university administration on how to minimize safety and health hazards.

Current Goal: Develop, review, and maintain lines of safety communication with the purpose of engaging the campus community, in particular by encouraging all to recognize and report "near misses" or potentially unsafe practices with this information to be used for educational purposes university wide.

Faculty Senate - Diversity and Inclusion Representative (1-year term) Mirhuanda Meeks

The university participates in shared governance between the faculty and administration through the Faculty Senate:

  • a representative body of members elected by the faculty,
  • deals with matters of interest to more than one college and acts as the official voice of the faculty of UNL,
  • advises and consults with student, staff, and administrative groups on a variety of topics
Staff Senate (1-year term) Tricia Liedle and Beth Zager The Staff Senate is an advisory board on issues, institutional polices, and practices that relate to the staff
Parking Advisory Committee (3-year term) Tricia Liedle

This committee reviews parking policies and regulations and make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance and to the Chancellor. During a three-year term, members:

  • conduct an annual review of parking and traffic rules and regulations including parking permit fees and refunds,
  • review proposed changes in parking policies, regulations, and parking lot classifications,
  • review and recommend Capital Improvement Projects,
  • review the parking operation budget and monthly operating reports,
  • act in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance,
  • serve as a public forum -inform the University community on parking matters,
  • review appeal decisions of the Parking Appeals Committee
Parking Appeals (3-year term) Open for representation
  • receives and adjudicates faculty, staff, and visitor appeals,
  • Assure meeting attendance for timely appeal process; must be present to take action,
  • meets monthly
  • more information at
Campus Police Advisory Board (2-year term) Open for representation

The Police Advisory Board supports an inclusive campus environment by serving as a connection between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department (UNLPD) and the campus community. UNLPD is committed to this purpose and seeks to engage the UNL community to gather input on matters pertaining to policing services and campus safety issues. The responsibilities of the Police Advisory Board are as follows:

  • To advise the Chief of Police and Chancellor on University matters and policies relating to campus safety and security, public safety communication, and university police interactions and on related matters as appropriate.
  • To advise other members of campus administration as the Chief of Police and Chancellor deem appropriate.
  • To suggest to the Chief of Police and Chancellor issues relating to the University Police Department that should be part of the campus administrative agenda.
  • To communicate to the Chief of Police and Chancellor the perspectives of faculty, staff and students on University policies and decisions.
  • To assist the Chief of Police and Chancellor in addressing issues related to the University Police Department.
Wellness Committee (2-year term) Open for representation
  • assist in establishing and maintaining a healthy and well campus environment,
  • review current wellness programming at UNL and develop plans to improve coordination and promotion of those efforts,
  • review Faculty and Staff Health Risk Assessment (HRA) results and recommend appropriate wellness programming to address the needs of all employees outlined in the survey,
  • develop a proposal for the implementation of a full-fledged wellness program for the UNL community,
  • develop a strategic plan for future wellness programming (3-5-year plan)