Jennifer Greenlee, CEOE
2024-25 UNOPA President ALEC Office Associate University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
143 Filley Hall
P.O. Box 830947, Lincoln, NE, 68583-0947, - Phone
My name is Jennifer Greenlee, CEOE, and I am thrilled to serve as your President for the 2024-2025 academic year! I work in the Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication department as an Office Associate, and I’ve had the pleasure of being part of the UNL community for 16 years. Throughout my time here, I’ve witnessed a lot of change at the university, and I’ve been a member of UNOPA on and off since 2008.
My journey with UNOPA took a transformative turn in 2022 when I attended my first National Association of Educational Office Professionals Conference. The inspiration I gained from that experience motivated me to run for the UNOPA President-Elect position. Now, as President, I am eager to help UNOPA thrive and continue its growth.
I am deeply passionate about professional development and advocating for staff. For the 2024-2025 academic year, we have an exciting lineup of events planned, including:
- 1 Kickoff/Charity Event
- 3 Professional Development Opportunities
- 2 Business Meetings with Potential Speakers
- 3 Networking Events
- An Awards Ceremony
We are also in the planning stages for additional opportunities to enhance your knowledge and connect with incredible individuals.
As your President, I am committed to making positive changes, but I need your support to achieve this. I encourage each of you to get involved and embrace our theme of “Lead by Learning.” There are so many opportunities to serve UNOPA. Please look at what you can help with. As Rose Frolick, UNOPA’s Founder and First UNOPA President, said, “By having such an organization on campus we can exchange thoughts and ideas and learn ways of improving our work, office, and ourselves. Such an organization would help us better serve our University and develop pleasant associations with our fellow workers.” Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to UNOPA’s growth and represent our voice at the University of Nebraska.