UNOPA Game Day Parking Lot Fundraiser

Image of little red and Huskers logo

What is the UNOPA game day parking lot fundraiser?

UNOPA and UNL have partnered together to help us raise money for our association by selling parking lot stalls on Husker football Saturdays at the UNL Whittier Research Center. UNOPA members volunteer to spend two hours on a Saturday home game day to help sell tickets for Husker fans to park their vehicles in the UNL Whittier Research Center parking lot. UNOPA gets to keep a portion of the sells to go toward our general fund.

Sign up by contacting Tricia Liedle, UNOPA Ways and Means Chair, at and receive a free UNOPA t-shirt.!

What do we use the general fund for?

  • Professional Development Speakers
  • Luncheons
  • President and President Elect Membership Fees
  • Dues we pay for UNOPA to belong to NAEOP, which is where our PSP program comes from
  • Rose Frolik Awards (put in new link)
  • and so much more...

What are the benefits to fundraising for the association this way versus other ways?

It’s a good chance to wear your UNOPA t-shirt and show your Husker Pride!

  • You are supporting UNL's only association solely for office staff.
  • And the best part of get to spend time with fellow UNOPA members, which makes this organization what it is today, and getting to know them can make this “fun!” Who knows, your partner for that day could be a person that will inspire you to strive for better.

We recognize the fact that we are all busy. At the same time, we hope you will give us just two hours of your time to support your association, UNOPA, and we are extremely grateful for everything you do for UNOPA, UNL, and the staff and students we serve! Family and friends are always welcome.