Award nomination for (select one) Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Staff Award Floyd S Oldt Outstanding Managerial Professional Award Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year Award Floyd S. Old Presidential Igniting Excellence Award Nominee Information Required Name of Nominee Nominee's Title Required Nominee's Department Required Years in Position Required Nominee's Email Required Nominee's Phone Number Required Nominator Information Required Name of Nominator Nominator's Email Required Nominator's Phone Number Required Relationship to Nominee Required References: Provide the names, contact information, and a brief statement from up to two references (note that references may be peers, supervisors, students, etc.). First Reference: Required Name Email Required Phone Number Required First Reference Relationship to Nominee Required Second Reference: Required Name Email Required Relationship to Nominee Required Nomination and reference letters: Please submit your nomination letter and two reference letters by email to the UNOPA 2024-2025 Awards Committee Chairs, Jeanine Anderson <> and Beth Zager <>. Please make the subject of your email “UNOPA Awards Nomination” and include the name of the nominee and the award in the text of your email. Leave this field blank